
We have had great success in fundraising money for the project. Thank you to the Dalvenie Resource Centre for raising £410 by holding a coffee morning and a table top sale, to P.Wimpenny and S.Smith for selling raffle tickets for the Christmas Hamper at RGU at Aberdeen, which raised £235, to the Wo’Moon Circle of One, Aberdeenshire, for their donation of £120,to Monymask Primary School for their donation of £50 for my talk on Solution Focused Skills, to Buchanan’s Restaurant Banchory for selling one of my paintings, which raised £175 and thank you all who gave donations for the raffle prices and table top sales. Also thank you all who gave their time and support to the Project. I will travel to Nepal in Spring 2011 and soon start organising venue hire for facilitating the workshops and liase with contacts in Nepal the possible training days in Solution Focused Skills.

Again, thank you all so much! I will keep you updated about the process of the Project on this blogsite.

If anyone would like to make a donation to the project, please contact me by email
