Training trainers in SFBT does make a change!

Blog by Sujen Man, sharing the SFBT teachings further:
Facilitated one day workshop on Positive Mental Health on 20 October 2011 for the counselors at SOS Children’s Villages Nepal, National Training Centre, Kavre. There were 18 participants working as counselors in various parts of the country in SOS villages.

In the workshop, the participants were introduced to the key concepts of psychosocial well-being, positive mental health and positive psychology in the first half of the day. In the latter half of the day, the key concepts of Solution-Focused Therapy were introduced theoretically and Standard Format of First Session was demonstrated through the role play. The training was well-received by the participants and they expressed their gladness to learn the new technique of Solution-Focused Intervention which was introduced in Nepal with the help of Claudia Van Zuiden this year earlier in April.

Contents were mostly theoretical including the research findings related to positive psychology. Some participants raised the doubts regarding some of the results which I think is good skepticism. Psychological research related to positive psychology is yet to begin in Nepal. Some videos from were also shown which were related to positive psychology and design & happiness.

The praiseworthy matter about SOS Children Villages is that they are already working with positive approach that includes family model which promotes positive mental health. In a home, 10 children stay together with a mother. All the children become brothers and sisters taking care of one another. Nabin sir took me around the village and I saw a very good nurturing environment for the children with very good physical facilities for shelter and play. They also have a school inside in which the children from outside community can also get admitted and study. This helps me in socialization of the children and their reintegration into the society when they grow up to become independent.

I would like to thank Mr. Nabin Bajracharya, Assistant Director and psychologist in SOS Nepal, Mr. Udaya Aryal, director, SOS National Training Centre, Ranjan dai and all the participants.
